We can disable Internet Explorer (IE) add-ons through Group Policy. In my example, I need disable Flash Player add-on.

Every Add-on has specific Class ID (CLSID). We use Add-on Class ID (CLSID) to disable specific Add-on through Group Policy.

1- Open IE, click Tools, click Manage Add-ons.

2- Select specific Add-on. I will disable Flash Player, I select Shockwave Flash Object, then click More information.

3- Now, you can view Class ID (CLSID). Shockwave Flash Object CLSS ID is {D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000}.

4- Click Copy. Close windows and IE.

5- Open Notepad and select Paste or Ctrl+v.

6- Now, you have all info + Class ID. Select just {D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000} and right click, now select copy.

7- Create a new GPO, for example Disable Flash Player.

8- Navigate to Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Internet Explorer\Security Features\Add-on Management or User Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Internet Explorer\Security Features\Add-on Management.

9- Open Add-on List, select Enable, select Show.

10- On Show Contents, select Add. For Value Name use Class ID and for Value use 0.

Quick description for Value:
  • 0 - The add-on is disabled, and users cannot manage the add-on from the user interface.
  • 1 - The add-on is enabled, and users cannot manage the add-on from the user interface.
  • 2 - The add-on is enabled, and users can manage the add-on from the user interface.

11- Click OK and again OK. Close all windows.

12- Open CMD on server and run GPUPDATE /FORCE.

13- Open CMD on client and run GPUPDATE /FORCE.

14- Now, open IE on client and test again. Bingo, Flash Player disabled.