I did a post last week that talked about using BGInfo on my demo machines so I can have machine information displayed in the Desktop Background.  It was pointed out to me that my screenshot showed my background had a slew of (open) entries in my IP Address list.  (See RED boxes below)
BGInfo Desktop Background with Multiple (none) IP Address Entries

BGInfo Desktop Background with Multiple (none) IP Address Entries


Step 1: Define New Field

In order to remove these (none) entries from the Desktop Background I needed to create a new custom field that does a WMI call to get the IP Address.  I called the new field IP Address” with two spaces between the “P” and the “A”.   It had to have two spaces because the field IP Address field already exists, and its one you can’t delete.  Next, select the WMI Query radio button then click Browse.
Step 1: Define New Field

Step 2. Create WMI Query

In the WMI Query Selection dialog box, from the WMI Class drop-down menu selectWin32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration. In the Class Property drop-down menu, select IPAddress. The following WMI query is built in the WMI query box: SELECT IPAddress FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration. If you click the evaluate button at this point you will probably see a bunch of NULL entries.
Step 2. Create WMI Query

Step 3. Modify WMI Query

In the WMI query box add WHERE IPEnabled=True. Click the Evaluate button again and it should only show the IP addresses on enabled interfaces. Click OK.
Note:  If you have IPv6 enabled on the machine you will see both the IPv4 and IPv6 address on the same line.  My demo systems only use IPv4.
Step 3. Modify WMI Query

Step 4. New IP Address Field

The new field IP  Address now has the necessary WMI Query.  Click OK and the new custom field is now available for use.
Step 4. New IP Address Field

Step 5. New User Defined Field

Here you can see my new User Defined Field is available to use.
Step 5. New User Defined Field

Step 6.  The End Result

Once selected as a field to display, here is what the Desktop Background will look like.  Notice that all of the (none)entries are now gone.
Step 6.  The End Result